Empwr.ai is designed to improve team collaboration efficiency in the work place. We transform web conference meetings into meeting outcomes that summaries, extract, and highlight the important parts of a meeting so you don't have to, and make it easy to share information with the right people. We do this so you can be 100% present in your meetings and not worry about taking notes.
Three Ways for Empwr.ai to Analyze a Meeting
Meetings in the Future: add [email protected] (Meeting Analyzer) to any single or meeting series calendar invite in the future
Meetings in Progress: paste a meeting link into Empwr.ai to immediately invite Meeting Analyzer to your call
Meetings in the Past: manually upload a transcript file directly into Empwr.ai
Meetings in the Future
Invite [email protected] (our Meeting Analyzer) to any of your calendar invites that include a Zoom, Google Meet, or MS Teams link before the start of a meeting to ensure it arrives on time
Our Meeting Analyzer bot will ask to join your meeting like any other guest (the meeting organizer or someone with permissions will need to allow the Meeting Analyzer into the call
Meeting Analyzer becomes your team notetaker
Empwr.ai generates a meeting outcome after the call
We send all users who were on the meeting calendar invite an email notification with access to the meeting outcome (to restrict who gets access to your outcomes in your organization - contact [email protected])
Meetings in Progress
Login to your Empwr.ai account
Copy the meeting link to your in progress Zoom, Google Meet, or MS Teams Meeting
Paste the link into the "In a meeting now?" section in the main "Meetings" screen and click the "Invite Meeting Analyzer" button
Our Meeting Analyzer bot will ask to join your meeting like any other guest (the meeting organizer or someone with permissions will need to allow the Meeting Analyzer into the call)
Meeting Analyzer becomes your team notetaker
Empwr.ai generates a meeting outcome after the call
We send all users who were on the meeting calendar invite an email notification with access to the meeting outcome (to restrict who gets access to your outcomes in your organization - contact [email protected])
Meetings in the Past
Locate your transcript file for a previously recorded meeting from Zoom, Google Meet, MS Teams, or Otter.ai
Login to your Empwr.ai account
Click the "Or, upload a meeting transcript" link just under the "copy" button in the "Let's get started" in the main "Meetings" screen
Complete the "Analyze a Meeting" form and upload your transcript
Empwr.ai generates a meeting outcome
We send all users who were added to the "share your meeting outcome" section" an email notification with access to the meeting outcome (to restrict who gets access to your outcomes in your organization - contact [email protected])
Meeting Analyzer Overview
Our Meeting Analyzer will join the call just like any other attendee for meetings in the future and in progress
The Meeting Analyzer begins recording the session when it joins
To stop recording, you can kick the Meeting Analyzer out at any time or just end the call
Once the meeting is over, the recording is transcribed and then deleted by our system
Our system generates a meeting outcome (summary, action items, decisions, topics, and more)
Everyone who was on the meeting invite will receive a notification via email when the outcome is ready with a link to view it
The meeting organizer (designated via the calendar invite) will be assigned meeting owner privileges which will allow them to change the title and share the outcome through our system