Meeting owners can share meeting outcomes with anyone*
Anyone other than meeting owners who share a meeting outcome will initiate a "request access flow"
*unless their organization has enabled the enterprise setting that prevent guest users outside of the domain to have access to meeting outcomes.
Request Access Flow:
Sharing function on the meeting outcome page
Add email of person you want to share the outcome with, we'll call them the Recipient
If you are a meeting owner, the Recipient will immediately receive a meeting outcome notification with access to the meeting outcome
If you are not a meeting owner, the meeting owner will receive a request for access email notification with a link to the meeting outcome where they can approve or deny access for the Recipient
If the meeting owner approves access, the Recipient will then receive a meeting outcome notification with access to the meeting outcome
If the meeting owner denies access, the Recipient will then receive a notification email stating that access was denied
Sharing a direct link to the outcome
When the person you send the link to, that we'll refer to as the Recipient, clicks the link, they will see a page with the message "You need access" with a button to "Request Access" if they are logged in. If they are not logged in, they will be prompted to log in or create an account
Once the Recipient clicks the "Request Access" button, the meeting owner will receive a request for access email notification with a link to the meeting outcome where they can approve or deny access for the Recipient
If the meeting owner approves access, the Recipient will then receive a meeting outcome notification with access to the meeting outcome
If the meeting owner denies access, the Recipient will then receive a notification email stating that access was denied
You can also share meeting outcomes in the following ways:
Add people to a share list when you manually upload a meeting transcript to analyze
Copy and paste elements of an outcome into chat, email, or other channels
Add people to a share list when you upload a meeting transcript
When you click on "Analyze a Meeting" you'll go to the manual process to name a meeting, select the start date/time, and upload a transcript file
You can begin typing in the field under "Share You Meeting Outcome" and if a team mate is already in your organization, you can select them to add them
You can also type in any email address, even for users outside of your organization, to share the outcome with that email address
Then click "Create Meeting" at the bottom of the page
Once the meeting is analyzed, everyone you selected or added will receive an email notification with a link to the meeting outcome
If they have never used before, they will be asked to create a free account in order to view the meeting outcome
If they are not a member of your company (as determined by their work email address), a guest view-only account will be created in your organization
Copy and paste elements of an outcome into chat, email, or other channels
After a meeting has been analyzed, you can click the copy icon on the summary, action items, or decisions sections of the meeting outcome to copy the section as plain text to your clipboard
Paste the content into any communication channel or document you wish.